Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Kodak Flashback...


I'm always Googling ideas.

For what?
 Not so sure all the time.

These images came up and I just want them all over my house, or on my skin, or somewhere...
I will definitely grab some inspiration from these.

I believe they may have been prints from postcards...

This is my favorite.

More to come on this process...

Yes please yes please yes please

Saw this little lady (Bachelorette) play with Beach House last year.
And I was just remembering how awesome she was.

Get her self titled album now and thank me.
You're Welcome.

Do it myself...

I need to stop being lazy and find the crafty in me. The awesomely original blog Honestly... WTF has some fantastic ideas in their DIY section, and I can't wait to get off my butt and try them!

Here are some of my faves

Did someone say Pom poms?

Yes please!

 Check out the rest of their blog for even more great things! I love these ladies!

All images by Honestly...WTF
All content by Honestly... WTF is made available under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License unless otherwise noted.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Damn that cork is cute...

I never thought I'd say this. 

An old favorite

This is just an old portrait I took of a boy a friend babysits, really adore him and the way this portrait came out. Unfortunately it's not film, but rather my Nikon D90 digital SLR.

Long live film photography, dust and all...

As some may know I can be a stubborn gal, so I spent the past four hours working on this fantastic photo of my pretty friend and Sputnik bartender Irene...
this was a pain in the ass...

...still a little dusty, but much better. I love, love, love my new Leica M4-2 courtesy of my wonderful boyfriend Jordan Dickinson, a most talented and handsome photographer.